Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Art of Letting Go

To be and not to be — that is the answer.

I’ve decided to embark on what I will call a spiritual journey. I’ve begun the process of letting go of most of my material possessions. I’ve given up most of my treasured books so that others might enjoy them. I’m donating three quarters of my wardrobe to family, friends and those in need. I’m leaving behind all of my furniture, my television, movies, music, artwork, a wonderful collection of kitchen gadgets and many more things. I threw out over ten years worth of work on poetry, songs, short stories, scripts and novels in various stages of completeness to free myself from distractions of the past.  I’ll pass on my large map of the world and a beautiful atlas. Instead of reading about the world and flipping through glorious pictures of enchanting places, I plan to further explore it.

In a few days, I’ll head East to the Carolinas (from Austin, Texas) with nothing but a few essentials and my dog Gabby strapped to a small Vespa LX150. I’ll take my time on the scenic county roads with no clear path set out for me.

My destination is the present moment. With a body covered in tattoos that call for myself (and others) to wake up, to be present, to answer callings, to live with an open heart — it is time that my actions responded by committing to live my life in such a manner. I plan to let go of my things, my ideas, my understandings, all the notions, truths and possessions that I’ve been clinging to.

Nothing to do, nowhere to go…

In the past, I have started several blogs. I find that after some time, I leave them unantteneded because the theme of the blog is too specific for my wandering mind. This particular blog is more of a general, personal journal. An outlet for me to explore and develope my many interests and to share those achievements with whomever may care to humor them.

One day, I will explain the title of this blog. Here’s the short version: Master Linji — Founder of Zen Buddhism — If You See the Buddha on the Street: Kill Him — Letting Go of Attachments — Freedom